Document No. ADM-1023
Revision No. 2502 on Feb 1, 2025
1. Purpose
This policy outlines general behaviors that indicate academic honesty. Students enrolled at Richmindale College are generally expected to be above the reproachable behaviors outlined in this policy. This policy requires oversight by persons academically qualified to make necessary judgements.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all Richmindale students.
3. Policy
Transfer of Credits from Richmindale College to Other Institutions
Students of Richmindale College transferring to other institutions must follow the Cancellation, Withdrawal and Refund Policy. See the important notice concerning transferability of credits and credentials earned at Richmindale College below.
Notice Concerning Transferability of Credits and Credentials Earned at Richmindale College
The transferability of credits earned at Richmindale College is entirely at the discretion of the school to which the student may seek to transfer. Richmindale College cannot guarantee the acceptance of the credits awarded or the degree earned at the school by other institutions or employers.
Transfer of Credits to Richmindale College
Richmindale College accepts credit transfer of courses that are relevant to the applicants’ program of study and equivalent to the Richmindale College courses in both content and degree level from institutions accredited by an agency recognized by the United States Secretary of Education (USDE) and/or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), or from institutions listed in the International Handbook of Universities, if the institutions are outside of the United States and not accredited by an agency recognized by USDE and/or CHEA.
Richmindale College charges $75 for each credit transfer application.
Bachelor's Degree Credit Transfer
Undergraduate students may transfer up to 75% of the total number of credits required for their selected program at Richmindale College.
Master's Degree Credit Transfer
Graduate students may transfer up to 50% of the total number of credits required for their selected program at Richmindale College.
Credit Transfer Evaluation Criteria and Requirements
Requests for credit transfer are evaluated based on their individual merit. Transfer of credits is not based solely on whether the post-secondary education institution or program from which the credit is to be transferred is accredited; and if accredited, the accrediting agency.
The following minimum criteria are used for transfer of credits:
Coursework must be comparable in scope and content;
Coursework must be applicable to the program into which transfer is requested;
Learning outcomes and competencies must be aligned with the program into which transfer is requested;
Credits to be transferred must have been completed within 5 years from the date of credit transfer application; and
To be considered for transfer, coursework must have been completed with a minimum GPA of 2.0 for undergraduate (bachelor’s); and GPA of 2.5 for graduate (master’s).
Applicants must provide their transcripts and other credit transfer requirements when they apply for credit transfer. Unofficial transcripts are accepted for evaluation purposes only.
If required, students are responsible for providing all information necessary for the validation of the credit claimed. For example, students may be required to furnish the academic catalog and/or the course outline from the school awarding the credit.
4. References