Document No. ACA-1033
Revision No. 2502 on Feb 1, 2025
1. Purpose
This policy provides general guidelines for the purposes of receiving, responding to, addressing, and resolving
complaints made by students, faculty, administrators, or any party.
This policy requires oversight by persons academically qualified to make necessary judgements.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all Richmindale curriculum development teams, faculty, administrators, and students.
3. Policy
Richmindale College students are subject to one or more of the following student identity verification methods.
Government-Issued Photo Identification: Students provide a government-issued photo identification with
signature during the admission process.
Secure, Individual Login and Passcode: Students are assigned a secure, individual username and password upon
admission acceptance. These assigned identifiers are used to access the Student Portal where students complete and
submit coursework and access grade information.
Administrative or Academic Practices: Students are subject to identity verification, at Richmindale’s discretion,
through the use of personally identifiable information provided by the student upon application to Richmindale
College. Students must provide two pieces of identifying information that can be verified by faculty or staff using
information contained within the Richmindale Information Management System prior to having personally
identifiable information released to them by phone or e-mail. In addition, faculty may commence verification of
student identity following review of student work. Changes in academic performance or writing style are monitored
and may prompt a request for identity verification.
4. References