Document No. ADM-1026
Revision No. 2502 on Feb 1, 2025
Course Format and Access
The degree programs of Richmindale College use an online method of course delivery in which the Internet is primarily used as the medium of communication. Richmindale College uses Internet-based technologies such as learning management systems (LMS), video conference, voice-over-IP (VoIP) calls, electronic mail (email), videos, electronic books (e-books), and similar technologies to provide course instructions and instructional materials to students. Students must have access to a computer with an Internet connection when required to access course instructions and materials, coursework, assessments, and grades; interact with Richmindale College faculty and administration staff; and provide feedback.

Students can access their course activities and materials on the Richmindale learning management system at any time and any place with an Internet connection.

Students can interact with Richmindale faculty and administration staff online during office hours. Richmindale provides online 24/7 Student Success services to support students of different time zones. See the Student Success section under Student Services for more details about the Student Success services.
Faculty and Instruction
Classes are facilitated by faculty and subject matter experts with advanced degrees and practical experience in the field of instruction. Students receive personalized attention and work closely with faculty in successfully progressing through the courses in the program. Students are monitored and graded on participation, coursework assignments, and assessments. Individual communication takes place through the online messaging function of the learning management system.

Continuous improvement and institutional effectiveness are achieved through student performance assessments, and course and faculty evaluations conducted with students.

Faculty Response Time
Faculty and academic support staff are available during office hours. See the Faculty and Staff Office Hours section under Office Hours and Contact Information for more details about office hours.

Richmindale College offers online Student Success services designed to offer students 24/7 support. See the Student Success section for more details about the Student Success services.

The minimum expectation for faculty response time to student inquiries and submissions is as follows:

Response Days
Academic Postings
Course Projects
Final Course Exams
Capstone Projects
Instructional Model
The goal of Richmindale College is to provide a high-quality educational experience to students and faculty through online learning using innovative techniques...
Class Participation
Instruction takes place in an asynchronous manner. Student participation is based on the students' engagement in a course, such as taking exams, posting substantive feedback, and submitting coursework assignments and projects...