Document No. ACA-1031
Revision No. 2502 on Feb 1, 2025
1. Purpose
This policy provides general guidelines for the purposes of receiving, responding to, addressing, and resolving
complaints made by students, faculty, administrators, or any party.
This policy requires oversight by persons academically qualified to make necessary judgements.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all Richmindale curriculum development teams, faculty, administrators, and students.
3. Policy
Richmindale College requires students to meet an attendance requirement of being online at least on two separate
days (attendance days) during each week (a week is defined as Monday through Sunday). Student attendance is
automatically registered when a student logs into the Student Portal to perform an educationally relevant activity
(post assignments, participate in threaded discussions, etc.). Failure to meet the attendance requirement may result
in students being automatically dropped from the course. Under extenuating circumstances, a student may request
alternate arrangements.
Students are expected to demonstrate consistent engagement with their studies throughout each academic term.
Activities demonstrating academic engagement include:
Discussion of course content with an Instructor.
Live academic conversation with an Academic Advisor.
Activating a course by clicking the Start Course button.
Completing quizzes and/or discussion posts.
Completing assessments.
Submitting an assignment for evaluation.
Attending a faculty-led live event, such as a webinar.
Attending a faculty-led online course activity.
Use of course learning resources.
Viewing recorded faculty-led live events.
Viewing a course-related academic video.
Students who are not academically engaged for a period of 14 calendar days may be required to meet with their
Academic Adviser to develop a plan for the immediate resumption of their studies, to include reengagement with
course learning resources and/or meeting with an Instructor. Students who demonstrate 28 calendar days of
inactivity will be subject to administrative withdrawal. An academically inactive student will be notified prior to
4. References