Document No. ACA-1028
Revision No. 2502 on Feb 1, 2025
1. Purpose
This policy provides general guidelines for the purposes of receiving, responding to, addressing, and resolving complaints made by students, faculty, administrators, or any party. This policy requires oversight by persons academically qualified to make necessary judgements.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all Richmindale curriculum development teams, faculty, administrators, and students.
3. Policy
A student withdrawal initiated by Richmindale College is called Administrative Withdrawal. Richmindale initiates Administrative Withdrawal from a program if a student fails to complete the registration process, fails to return from an approved Leave of Absence, fails or is about to fail to complete a program within the tuition period covered in the enrollment agreement, or violates code of conduct. Richmindale initiates Administrative Withdrawal from a course if a student is involved in academic dishonesty in a class or fails to attend or participate in a class, as applicable.
When Administrative Withdrawal is initiated, a notification is sent to the student via email. The student is given 7 calendar days from the notification email date to dispute the action by sending an email response to The Chief Academic Officer or designee makes the final determination. If the appeal is approved, the student is permitted to continue. If the student does not send an appeal, or if an appeal is not approved, the student is withdrawn from the program or course. Administratively withdrawn students can be readmitted to a program after at least one term has passed by going through the admission application process.
4. References